Subscription based MES for the rolling mills
Main features
QMOS provides a unique user experience unlike any other system in the industry

End to end visibility throughout the production line

Automatic tracking of bars and delays

Multi-level delay hierarchy

Production tracking by Product, Size and Heat

Detailed KPIs such as Utilization, Efficiency and Uptime

Cobble Analysis

Collaborative Operator notes

Detailed shift reports

Manufacturing Intelligence: Multi dimensional analytics for the production and delay
QMOS (Quad Mill Operation System) is the top MES system in the North American steel industry.
With over 40 implementations in United States, Canada, Mexico and India, QMOS is the most complete solution covering all operations from the Melt Shop all the way to the Rolling Mill, Finishing and Post Processing operations.
An unbeatable combo
The APEX Information Management suite is included with QMOS. Create graphically rich displays and reports for the shop floor and admin offices in minutes. No programming needed.